06 April 2012

Lucca Blog Photo Game

Photo #1

Have you ever written a blog? If so, you’ll know what I’m talking about. If not, and if you ever do, I dare you not to look at the counter that tells how many people have viewed your blog and breaks it down by month, or even week or day.

Photo #2
If you’re reading Fuori le Mura you probably use the web enough to know that many bloggers include ads on their blogs and that they make money each time somebody clicks the add. Thus, they are extra motivated to create quality content, thereby attracting both readership, advertisers and, eventually, money. 

Photo #3

But of course there are millions of other blogs that have no designs on money-making but exist purely out of interest in a particular topic, out of a desire to share knowledge about such skills as organic gardening, learning French, or summer grilling. 

Photo #4

And then there are millions of blogs centering more on travel, daily life, or family—not to mention the millions of other types of blogs. Clearly some of these bloggers can be just as motivated as their commercial counterparts and although most of their drive to keep up with their blogging probably comes from deep personal passions or convictions or desire to share with the world, I’d wager a bet that at least part of their motivation comes from the blog counter.

Photo #5
       Lauren wonders why it matters, why I should be concerned with a graph that shows whether the 
number of readers that month has stayed the same, increased, or decreased, and by how much. She does pose a good question, and I guess all it really comes down to is my self-competitive nature, formerly expressed in running, cycling, Nordic skiing or triathlon races or training sessions.

Photo #6

 I do think I’ve learned from years of tweaking training schedules and continually trying to improve my race results (end result being getting injured five years ago and as of yet not being able to return to any racing or even serious training) and will avoid coming anywhere near my prior demands for ever better performance. 

Photo #7

With this blog it’s more of a curiosity. Sure, it’s meant for family, friends and strangers to take a look at if they want, but another selfish deciding factor was to have a partial record of our year in Lucca and if seventy or seven hundred people read it this month it’ll still be there for us ( I think… or maybe I’ll print it out in the end just to be sure) for years to come.

Photo #8 (Where and Who is it?)

        The blog counter says that there is readership out there, although the comments, I must say, have been few and far between (as in 0.3% of the time someone reads the blog). That is just fine, but to facilitate part of the advantage of the blog format, in which reader can participate as well as writer, I challenge you to participate in this little game today: identify where the pictures I've included in this post were taken (all but one in or right around Lucca), and try to be as specific as possible. 

Photo #9

For those of you who haven’t been here, there’s always Google Earth Streetview, or Google Images, and maybe I’ll include a more general game in the future if I get any response this time. In general I think they go from easier to harder. Okay, good luck! (And no, it's not all about the blog counter!)

Photo #10

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